
The very first word of the Quran revealed to the Prophet was READ (Read In the name of your Lord and Cherisher, It was the first command in Islam. Every man should read. ...

Life has no repeat. You can't return lost time. You can't heal or make it up all that pains and suffers has had lived. You can't fix what you had caused...

When someone passed away, sometimes media using an old, sick and creepy photo of the person. I am strongly disagree with this attitude....

Very early hours I saw on papers a negative news today, didn't want to talk about actually, even not like to see negative news myself but same time, there is a message in it.. I need to talk. Some people may feel bad for themselves...

Everybody have something to appreciate and even pray. All winter past with no flu or bad colds, but seems my luck has run out. Friday night I was out with a thin dress and yesterday also didn't cared the weather and went out a bit...