
One of my friends shared a news about, a lady talking about how she converted to Islam. "I'm a feminist, and I converted to Islam" a Christian lady of course. First of all lady, you're not a feminist, not any feminist can convert to Islam...

All religions must reform periodically to put down obsolete practices. Time for Islam to do same. Yes, there is no hope in Islam as it is, as it was parted by it's founder. It must reform to be a force for democracy, tolerance & human...

Today is Hıdırellez: Make a Wish on the night of May 5. All wishes that are made on that night will be granted within the span of a year. It is celebrated in Turkey and throughout the Turkic world. It celebrates the arrival of spring....

Love this slogan since I heard, long years ago. One of the best advertisement slogan but used for a bad product, could be better fit for any luxury products. I received a message from a friend, who decided to quit smoking just this morning. I...

The human mind has a remarkable capacity to remember traumatic events with vivid clarity, known as "flashbulb memories." These memories are so detailed and intense that they feel as though they happened just yesterday....

"Professor Langton!" a man's voice shouted as they drew near. A smiling Turkish man stepped out from under the octagonal cupola that covered the fountain. He was waving his arms excitedly. "Professor, over here!" Langton and the others hurried over. "Hello my name is Mirsat,"...