Tattoos Dedicated to Your Children

Tattoos Dedicated to Your Children

Image: Pexels/@Athena. CCO

Whoever, got tattoo to dedicate to their children or parents, they’re all incredibly stupid people!! If you can’t guess why you’re not smart enough either! While you’re already bringing someone’s genes in your blood vessels and more, using some silly ink to show your love to them.. how stupid!! Painting your body with ink to show your love, to your parents or children?! I am sure you can find better ways to do it…

I know this girl already got enough criticism and had been gone on Social Medias for a while but she is not my target on this critic…

Robin Williams‘ daughter shows off tattoo tribute to departed dad. “I’ll always put my hand out to shake with a smile,” Zelda wrote in the caption.

Nil Taskin

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